Between 2009 and 2012, several cohorts of students workedacross the city of Accra, and its broader metropolitan area, to understand the contribution of urban agriculture towards environmentally just urbanisation. The neighbourhoods where we worked present a series of different realities facing urban farmers and dwellers alike.
Environmentally just urbanisation through urban agriculture
Trajectories of change: Land, Urbanisation and Urban Agriculture in Accra
Fishing for Resilience in Accra
Urban Agriculture in Dzorwulu, Accra: Traditional and city farming practices
Farmers, not gardeners: Urban and peri-urban agriculture in La, Accra
Learning Accra was established by Adriana Allen and Alexandre Frediani, with the collaboration of Pascale Hofmann, Rita Lambert, Rita Perez Valencia, Etienne Von Bertrab and Matthew Wood-Hill.
The Bartlett Development Planning Unit (DPU)
The Bartlett Development Planning Unit (DPU) conducts world-leading research and postgraduate teaching that helps to build the capacity of national governments, local authorities, NGOs, aid agencies and businesses working towards socially just and sustainable development in the global south.
The International Water Management Institute (IWMI)
The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) is a non-profit international water management research organisation. Research at the Institute focuses on improving how water and land resources are managed, with the aim of underpinning food security and reducing poverty while safeguarding the environment.
People’s Dialogue on Human Settlements (PD) is a community-based non-governmental organisation (NGO) working in alliance with Ghana Federation of the Urban Poor (GHAFUP), which is a network of savings groups in slums, informal settlements and depressed communities in Ghana.
The Ghana Federation of the Urban Poorworks to find permanent solutions to urban poverty through the improvement of human settlements and shelter conditions, the Ghana Federation promotes partnerships between poor communities and city governments. A local NGO, People’s Dialogue on Human Settlements, provides technical assistance to the Federation.